I LOVE the word rhythm.  I prefer it way over the words routine, ritual, or schedule.  Schedules can make me feel anxious, like I have yet another thing to keep up with.  There is a natural ease and flow to rhythm that I love.The last 2 years have been full and this intentional rhythm has helped to keep us sane.  Like many of you, we run hard and survive the weekdays.  We need to rest and reset on the weekends. This rhythm of resting, reflecting and resetting grounds us when we are being pulled in a million different directions.

My desire is that this rhythm will become a part of our family culture and it will be something our kids can take with them as they develop their own rhythms in their own lives.  With our 3 older kids adjusting to a busier schedule with private school and after school sports, club sports and activities, I’m hoping they will also settle into this rhythm as well.  We want them to relax and rest on the weekends, but I also want them to understand the importance of looking ahead and resetting for the next week.  This might be looking ahead at their school calendar and their assignments, doing their laundry, or ordering lunches,

It’s also important to be aware that rest, reflection and resetting may look different for each person in your family. It is for us.  Rest to me is different from rest for my husband or my kids.

If you’re feeling scattered, overwhelmed and feel like you’re always playing catch up.  Maybe try a rhythm like this: rest, reflect and reset.  



Sleep in, take a nap, do something for pure enjoyment, 




Go for a drive, get to church, take a walk, chat with a friend, listen to a podcast.




Meal plan / prep, tidy up, coordinate calendars, review upcoming goals or deadlines.





Need a little Reset?

Yeah. Me, too.

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